
Posts Tagged ‘Joe Clark’

Joe Clark; Where Are You?

In Canadian politics, Uncategorized on January 25, 2010 at 2:14 pm

As Stephen Pants-On-Fire Harper uses the Conservative Party name to tear Canada apart at the seams, I am waiting for Joe Clark to step into the ring. When the Reform Alliance stole the Conservative name in 2004, Joe Clark gained new respect from many of us by walking away.

You have to admit, it was pretty shocking.

When asked about the coming election at that time, Joe had said better “the devil we know”. Meaning, he’d rather vote for Paul Martin and the Liberals, than risk the future of Canada on an untrustworthy man with questionable ties.


Couldn’t have been more right about that. The last year alone, which Harper has labeled a “success” (too funny), Canadians have seen unprecedented abuses of power by him and his officials. If you even know just a little bit about Canadian politics, that’s fairly incredible. I mean we did suffer under a decade of Mulroney government. Hell, the Trudeau years were no picnic here in the west!

Clark later refused to back off and suck it up, unlike one Mr. Brian Sissy-Boy Mulroney, who did just that when he smiled for the camera at a dinner with Mr. Harper some time later.

Gutsy. Very Canadian of you Sir.

So, the Right Honorable Joe Clark has not bowed down to Mr. Harper. Impressive, yes. Is that perhaps the explanation for this perfectly timed piece of news that talks about secret deals between Joe Clark and President Carter?

Isn’t this just another instance of the pot calling the kettle black?

Seriously, it has become common knowledge that tantrumy “King” Stephen insists on controlling the press in Canada. These days, all statements and questions are filtered through the Office of the Prime Minister.

Smooth move Steve, but we still don’t like you and we don’t have to listen to you or your bullshit. By the way, we aren’t going to let the prorogation issue die, so forget it.

To come forward against Harper now, Joe Clark will have to risk being discredited over some 30 year old CIA conspiracy. Nerves of steel will definitely be required.

That being said, where are you Sir? Your country needs you. Canada needs you to come forward and speak out against the Conservative Reform Alliance (Party), one more time.