
I’m Rubber; You’re Glue

In bitching, Canadian Federal Election 2011, Canadian politics, Conservative, RoboCrisis on March 9, 2012 at 3:25 pm

I think it’s funny that the Robocrisis has caused such a hullaballoo. Put it in perspective. Considering all the other more serious infractions perpetrated by the Harper Government over the years, voter suppression is relatively minor. Let’s compare it to some other stuff like ooh, contempt of parliament, the illegal campaign financing of the in and out scandal, proroguing parliament multiple times. All of which we know about and they are definitely guilty of. But, whatever. At least everyone seems to care about Robocrisis. Probably because its just become all too much.

I’m so entertained by trying to keep track of it all. The Harper Conservatives have been trying everything to make this go away. Luckily for me, they always seem to return to the classics. It’s hilarious. “I’m rubber; you’re glue. Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you”. Let’s make a list. Come on. It’ll be fun.

1. It’s no big deal and who cares anyway…
Alleged Election Crank Call Just an Honest Mistake Tories Say

2. Wasn’t me.
Absolutely Definitely No Tory Role in Robo-calls Harper Insists

3. You’re just jealous…
Harper Dismisses Robo-call Scandal as Smear Campaign by Sore Losers

4. The butler did it.
Tory Staffer Leaves MPs Office in Wake of Voter Suppression Probe

5. You know, now that I think about it, there was this one guy…
Robocalls Phone Number Registered to Pierre Poutine

6. It was The Liberals. They are always so mean to us.
Conservatives Blame Liberals

7. We don’t know who it was, but we have hurt feelings too.
Tory Backers Also Got Robocalls

8. Look over there! What’s that?
Grit Behind Vikileaks Called Before Ethics Committee

Yes. Create a diversion. The perfect last ditch effort. Now the guy who created the Vikileaks thing will endure a public shaming. The difference is; all of Canada cheered when Vikileaks came out. Even me. Why? Because when someone gets all pointy they deserve a dose of their own medicine. Everything on Vikileaks was public information anyway. The guy simply took the time to compile it and then clicked “tweet”. Besides, the Liberals took it seriously and fired the guy as soon as they found out who he was. Bob Rae even gave an apology.

As much as the HarperCons wish for this whole nasty mess to ricochet over to the Liberals; I really hope it doesn’t.

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